Posts Tagged With: confidence

4 Tricks for Getting Rid of Your Nerves and Appearing More Confident in a Job Interview

“There are endless telltale signs of nervousness at work or in a job interview. . . “

This Business Insider article describes typical signs of nervousness that applicants experience during a job interview which include sweating, rapid blinking of the eyes, stammering, and many other symptoms.  Hope Restle, the author of this article, provides 4 recommendations to help you remain calm during the job interview.  Each recommendation is accompanied by more information about how the recommendation can help and real-world examples of how it can reduce stress and nervousness.  Specifically,

  1. Recall a memory that inspires positive emotions.
  2. Create a secret gesture that corresponds with a positive experience you’ve had in your life.
  3. Silently repeat a mantra or saying to help you relax.
  4. Be interested in what the other person says.

At the end of this article, there is also a link to a video that describes questions that you should never ask during a job interview.

For more information, click here.

Teaching Suggestions

You may want to use the information in this blog post and the original article to

  • Help students prepare for a job interview.
  • Point out that the 4 recommendations can also be used to reduce stress in other situations where someone gets nervous.

Discussion Questions

  1. Assume that you are applying for a new job that you really want. What can you do to remain calm and reduce that “nervous feeling” during a job interview?
  2. In today’s complex world, it is not uncommon for people to become nervous during a typical day. What can you do to reduce stress in your daily activities?
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